A body is taken to a height of nR from the surface of the earth. The ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface to that at the altitude is:

    <p>4. A body is taken to a height of nR from the surface of the earth. The ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface to that at the altitude is:</p>


    4. A body is taken to a height of nR from the surface of the earth. The ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface to that at the altitude is:

    • a) (n+1)2
    • b) (n+1)-2
    • c) (n+1)-1
    • d) (n+1)


    4. (a) Acceleration due to gravity at a height above the Earth’s surface:

    g’ = g (R / (R + h))2

    g / g’ = ((R + h) / R)2

    g / g’ = ((R + nR) / R)2

    g / g’ = (1 + n)2

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